A salute to you, good people of Mexico on this anniversary of some very eventful shit going down in the way back.
Feliz Cinco De Mayo! And while the tradition of drinking yourself silly on some highly watered down beers and cheese product nachos is a proud one, I'd like to suggest a holiday where we get all traditional and remember what this holiday really means it means Mexico is free to export its Latina hotties all over the Egotastic! planet; and if Salma Hayek isn't one of the most important Mexican exports of the past several decades, I'm not sure what is.
I've lusted this hottie from Veracruz since Desperado, and I haven't stopped leering at her since. One of her more underrated films, underrated by way of often missed nekkid body, Ask the Dust, where the sultry boobtastic Latina takes it all off for some memorable waterplay. On this holiday of Cinco De Mayo, we choose to honor Salma Hayek's hotness and how a little bit of revolution saved her from the French.
(You know, if you discount the fact that her new husband is French and probably gets to frolic in her fleshy parts nightly; oh, the cruel ironies of history).